Jeju Island, how BTS paved the way for me
Nope, this isn't about how bities paved the way for the k pop community. But this is how they paved the way for me to enter Korea. May 13 2019, the day I flew to Jeju Island from Kuala Lumpur. It was a five hours long flight, exciting yet a nerve-wracking long plane ride for me. After 2 years I'm finally going back to Jeju Island, but this time I'm alone. I landed in Jeju International Airport around 2 in the afternoon KST. I was praying my way to the immigration gate hoping I'd get to pass it. I handed my passport and embarkation card to the immigration officer hoping she'd stamp it right away without any questions. But my heart fell when she called one of the staffs who led me to the security room. They gave me a paper to fill up and told me to wait for my turn. I didn't know what was going on, last 2017 we we're also held in the same exact room but were released immediately. This time, I've been waiting for too long and it seems like I won't be out of the room any soon. Then she called my name. Told me to leave my luggage first and enter the room where they'll interview me. There were other tourists too being interviewed. The officer can't speak English very well so an Unnie was called to translate my words to the officer. He first asked if I came to Korea alone (in Korean). And because I understand a bit of Korean, I instantly nodded my head. Unnie asked if I could understand Hangul and I answered that I can only understand a little. He then continued his questions and because my name in my passport was different last 2017, it was complicated for me to explain it to them. And it lit up a fire of doubts of course. They asked for my itinerary and I then mentioned all the places I want to visit in Jeju Island. Then I remembered Suga's hyung's cafe, i instantly told Unnie about it. Her brows met, looking confused and she was like, " Ne? Cafe of who?". That's when I finally talked about bities. I told them I'm a huge fan of them and that they're even the reason why I'm learning Korean. The officers seems puzzled so I told them how big bities is right now and explained to them that they're the biggest boy band. Unnie was fast telling me that the officer know about them, no need to explain. Then the officer suddenly asked me "you know fake love?" And of course I answered yes. The questions continued and also because I'm not yet 18, they are extra strict and questions just keep on coming and coming. After a ton of explanation of this and that, the officer doesn't seem satisfied yet. He's still for sure in doubt of my visit in Korea. But we've been there for almost an hour and he was probably annoyed of my face already when he asked me again about bities. He asked me what is their latest song and even asked me about my concert experience. He asked me what was their latest album when I went to their concert in the Philippines. And everything about bities. Then he asked me if I could sing their latest song. I was flustered for a bit and even asked them if they really want me to sing in front of them. And they were like "yeah, sing if you want to get out of this room." So of course I sang Boy With Luv. Only the chorus though. Then the officer asked for Fake love. I sang it too of course. But I didn't really felt humiliated or anything though, I'm actually happy to sing their songs in front of Koreans. Then after that, they started conversing in Korean. I actually kind of understood it, Unnie was like telling the officer that she doesn't think I'm lying and the officers did agree to her. Sooooo after that, the officer stamped my passport and that was when i finally heaved a sigh of relief. This just proves, BTS really is helping the tourism counts for Korea. Well, what do you expect, its BTS. Thanks to BTS, i was able to explore their beautiful island, Jeju.
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