Realizations Learned from Solo Travelling

Solo travelling or travelling in general is dangerous. But it depends to the traveler if he or she wants to believe that. Some may experience bad things and some may love their trip. As for me, I enjoyed exploring the countries I went and had learned a lot of values and thoughts. And I’ve never encountered any danger during the duration of my trip. You can never say this country, or that country, is dangerous and not safe for female solo travelers unless you yourself experience going to these country and experiencing it alone. Travelling is one way of knowing things yourself and discovering the art of the world without using the internet. You should never let Internet satisfy you. Yes, some will be definitely true but not everybody are the same. Our thoughts and opinions will differ from each other and by that, you should have your own too, through actual experience, by far would be the best. Every country has its story and just by walking down the streets or eating at s...